Thursday, June 07, 2012

Joyful Anticipation!

 Yes! Feeling like I'm finally stayed 'in the mix' of things with getting comments, email replies, follow-ups, forwards and feedback from all you ladies in my writing group and it's feeling good! I think I've squashed the enemy's lies well enough but I'm gonna keep it up...

Today I had a full day off and planned to meet one of my bestest friends, Hannah, in downtown Seattle while she's on a short bit trip up here from Santa Cruz and staying with friends in Ballard.  I took the bus to Seattle from Tacoma, met her at Westlake, shopped for a much needed good-quality, preferably leather work purse for her (finally found at the Clarks store), as well got some baguette sandwiches at Le Panier at Pike Place and had some good conversation and catching up.  It didn't rain and we were able to talk about almost everything I could think of to talk about in the short 4 hours we visited.    It has been very wonderful to know her for as long as we have-32-ish years, and still keep in touch over the miles and years.

Hannah and I before she had to get on the bus back to Ballard.

On my bus ride to and from Seattle I was able to journal and read my 'Insight for Living' devotional book--even though it was May's issue, I just read the one from the 6th day, the verses Psalm 25:4-10. It had some pretty good meat to chew on, about meditating on the word, getting wiser and more disciplined, therefore more hopeful and at peace and ultimately having a 'joyful anticipation' in your life that only comes from knowing Christ.  When we are obedient and disciplined with his will and direction in our lives we're more in-tune with what He's doing.  You build up a trust between you and your heavenly Father by demonstrating wisdom and godliness, therefore He enables you to impact others greatly.  It's about knowing the truth that only Jesus can supply you with, the power that He gives us through the Holy Spirit, and using that power to strengthen your own walk and spread that to others.  Here's some more thoughts from today's devo:

"With all this available to us, wouldn't it be wise to invest our time and energy in building the truth of God's Word into our lives? The other activities which clamor for our attention seem so important or pleasurable, but none of them can offer us the spiritual riches of a life grounded in truth."

And in other news, one thing you may not know about me as how much I love to bust a move at any moment that I'm listening to something that wants me to bust a move.  Lately, I've been rocking out to Chris Tomlin's 'newer' album "And If Our God is For Us", which has several really good worship tracks.  Many have been over played on the radio one too many times, but there's one song that we've sang at church so far, "No Chains on Me" which I totally dig! Here is a video with lyrics for you to check out, please watch, get the album, rock out!

Yeah, I stole this from Pinterest, woot woot! I LIVE by this motto...

Still staying connected here...

And if you didn't get figure this out already, my mom blogs here:  Three Way Light


Barbara said...

I think I'm gonna dance today!

Jody Lee Collins said...

this brought me many many smiles. God is so faithful to you!
And I definitely have to find that CD!